Please be sure to read your Rule Book, and follow all criteria for your category. This includes documentary length, exhibit dimensions, etc.
Please bring everything with you that you need for your entry. This includes a way to view your documentary and website.
Region 2 History Day DOES NOT provide equipment. However, wifi WILL be provided.
During judging, ONLY the judges and student(s) being judged are allowed in the room. The exception to this is the performance category-- in this category, audiences are allowed.
National History Day engages students in grades 6-12 in the process of discovery and interpretation of historical topics. Students produce dramatic performances, imaginative exhibits, multimedia documentaries, and research papers based on research related to an annual theme. These projects are then evaluated at local, state, and national competitions.
What to Expect During the Contest
All paper and Website entries are due by Sunday, March 09, so that the judges can spend the next few days going over each entry. All other projects are due on the day of the contest.
Our judges are members of the community who have volunteered their time to evaluate these entries and give constructive feedback. Many of them have experience in the history field and/or education, and all are professional.
You will receive evaluation sheets from back your judges. If you are continuing on to the State Competition, you will have about two weeks to tweak your project. Please consider the judges comments as you make your changes. Their feedback is meant to help you!